Unito 19 Ottobre 2020
Di seguito

Did you know that dog and cat meat is completely legal in 44 states of the U.S.? That’s right — as shocked and outraged as so many of us are ...

Un'area soggetta a degrado da anni come testimoniamo gli articoli con cadenza annuale su presunte riqualificazioni. Una zona recintata per i bambini più grande e servita con tavoli per fare merenda, una ...

Una perdita soprattutto per i ragazzi, era una delle tante pennellate che hanno reso il quartiere Pozzo Strada un bel quadretto. Chiediamo oltre la bonifica dell'amianto e l'ammodernamento della biblioteca ...

Petizione di Comune di Torino
Riapriamo la Piscina Trecate

Nella consapevolezza della funzione sociale venuta a mancare con la cessazione della sua attività, riteniamo fondamentale la riapertura della Piscina Trecate. Utilizzata in prevalenza della famiglie, luogo gradevole dove lasciare in ...

My daughter, Jordan, started asking me why her dolls don't look just like her when she was four years old. We had just purchased her first Bitty Baby from Chicago's American ...

Thanksgiving is one of America’s most cherished family holidays -- a day to spend with friends and loved ones.But, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, some retailers open their stores ...

Facebook enabled Russian interference in the United States election in 2016, but refuses to provide a full account to the public. In fact, it has recently removed data that allowed independent ...

My mother, Alice Marie Johnson is a 62-year-old grandmother serving life without parole for a first time nonviolent drug offense. She has been in prison 21 years and will die ...

Let us not sit still while Attorney General Jeff Sessions unleashes another Pandora's box of demons upon society that violates our civil and constitutional rights. He now wants to increase civil ...

As fires ripped through Northern California burning down over 8,000 homes and other buildings, and killing over 40 people, 1,700 of those fighting fires on the front lines have been California ...

Petizione di United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Stop Excluding 98 Percent of Animals from the Humane Slaughter Act

Did you know that the United States Department of Agriculture has decided that the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act doesn’t apply to poultry, who make up 98 percent of all ...

Arby's has always touted its commitment to corporate social responsibility and humane treatment of animals. Unfortunately, Mercy For Animals has recently learned that Arby's allows the horrific animal cruelty it claims ...