Unito 19 Ottobre 2020
Di seguito

Dear President Trump and his Administration, I, Cyrus, and my friend Erin are here to encourage you and your administration to cancel the rescission of the Obama Administration's Title IX guidance to ...

I was sentenced 78 months to serve at a federal prison for a white-collar crime. I left home a healthy single mother of two sons, not ever experiencing any serious ...

When my son, Caden, was five years old, he was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It was the scariest and worst day of my life. The day Caden was diagnosed, ...

Una perdita soprattutto per i ragazzi, era una delle tante pennellate che hanno reso il quartiere Pozzo Strada un bel quadretto. Chiediamo oltre la bonifica dell'amianto e l'ammodernamento della biblioteca ...

Imagine you are at work and realize that you are in need of something very important to your success at this job.  You go through the proper channels to acquire ...

In 2004, our daughter Courtney Bisbee, was falsely accused by one teenager, of an alleged sexual "touching" incident while in a room of teenagers. An alleged crime that never happened. ...

My daughter, Jordan, started asking me why her dolls don't look just like her when she was four years old. We had just purchased her first Bitty Baby from Chicago's American ...

My mother, Alice Marie Johnson is a 62-year-old grandmother serving life without parole for a first time nonviolent drug offense. She has been in prison 21 years and will die ...

Petizione di Sundar Pichai
Google to join July 12th day of action!

"The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, ...

Facebook enabled Russian interference in the United States election in 2016, but refuses to provide a full account to the public. In fact, it has recently removed data that allowed independent ...

President Trump: Make the world great again. People deserve to know the truth about the Secret Space Programs and have access to all the hidden technologies that could save the ...

The violence in Syria has steadily escalated since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, and it must end. Every single day dozens of men, women, and children, ...